Tips to Prepare Your Roof for the Winter Season

by | Oct 14, 2021 | tile roof companies

Roof damage can occur at any time of the year, but winter weather can be especially harsh on a roof. Winter weather can damage your roofs in several different ways. Strong winter winds can loosen your tiles and blow them off the roof.

If missing and damaged roof tiles aren’t replaced immediately, water can get trapped in different parts of your roof causing serious damage. Winter weather can also exacerbate roofing issues.

Winter is knocking on the door. Before winter hits in full force, follow these tips to prepare your roof from San Leandro tile roof experts, Roof Tile Custom Specialists.

Inspect Your Roofline

Check your roofline to see if it is straight. If you notice signs of sagging, dripping, or curving, consult your roofing contractor. A sagging roof can be caused by framing problems or a saturated roof deck. This is a serious problem and should be addressed as soon as possible.

It makes sense to hire a professional to inspect your roof. Inspecting your roofline may involve climbing a ladder, which is an inherently dangerous activity. Even if you know how to climb a ladder safely, reach out to a pro for help, as you may fail to notice some signs of brewing trouble.

Check Your Flashing

Flashing plays an important role in keeping water away from certain areas of your roof including the roof valley, chimney, and walls. Your flashing can wear out over time and leaks may develop. If left unaddressed, small leaks can cause serious, even irreversible damage.

Once your flashing has been compromised, it can rust. Thoroughly inspect the area along your flashing tomake sure it is completely sealed. Flashing should be inspected annually. Remember to check your flashing after a storm. When strong winds hit your roof, your flashing can loosen or fall off.

When inspecting your flashing, look for signs of water intrusion near the chimney. Check the caulk holding your flashing in place to see if it has cracked or deteriorated.

Clean Your Gutters

Your gutters are responsible for diverting water away from your home and foundation. Gutters can become clogged with debris, dirt and dust. Often, rodents and birds build nests in gutters causing them to become clogged.

Debris can prevent water from passing freely which can then cause damage to different parts of your roof and even your landscaping and siding.

To prevent potential problems, have a professional clean your gutters before winter. Your roofing contractor will remove leaves, sticks, acorns, and other debris from your gutters.

They may use high powered handheld blowers or a garden hose to get rid of hard-to- remove tiny particles. The professional will install gutter guards to prevent twigs, leaves, and other debris from entering your gutters. They will test the downspouts and if they find that a downspout has become clogged, they will snake it clear.

Trim overhanging Branches

Tree branches hanging over your roof can scratch them, causing serious damage. If a tree branch falls on your roof, you may end up with a costly repair. To prevent potential problems, trim back overhanging branches.

Clean Your Roof

Dirt and debris such as leaves, twigs, and pine needles can damage different parts of your roof allowing water to infiltrate your home. Debris can also cause mold to grow. Remove debris and dust accumulated on your roof’s surface.

Inspect the Attic

The goal of an attic inspection is to ensure your attic has plenty of evenly distributed insulation. If the insulation in your attic is wet or damaged, it can lead to mold growth and your heating bills could skyrocket. If your attic is poorly insulated, it makes sense to add more insulation. Repair damaged insulation to save up to 20% on your utilities.

Check your attic for signs of water damage such as puddles of water on your attic floor, water spots on the walls, and wet roof decking. If you notice one or more of these signs, schedule a professional inspection.

Check and Replace Sealant if Required

If your roof has plumbing stacks or brick stacks, check the sealer around their base. If the sealer and caulk has worn out, replace it before it becomes damaged.

Schedule a Professional Inspection

Have your roofing contractor inspect your roof before winter. Regular inspections prevent problems before they occur. Your roofing contractor will check different parts of your roof. They will address existing problems and nip potential issues in the bud.

What to Expect During a Roof Inspection

During a roof inspection, your contractor will

  • Check to see if your attic is properly insulated
  • Look for signs of roof leaks
  • Check the condition of the decking
  • Inspect and clean your gutters
  • Check the soffit and fascia
  • Look for loose or missing tiles and make required repairs
  • Check flashing around the roof penetrations
  • Check for signs of sagging and uneven roof planes

Roof Tile Custom Specialists is a leading roofing company in Antioch. We are your go-to team for tile roof installation in San Leandro. We treat the root causes of roof problems, instead of only their symptoms. To learn more, call (925) 634-8700.