What Color of Roof Tiles Should You Choose? Advice from Our Contra Costa Tile Roof Repair Experts

by | Oct 25, 2018 | Tile Roof Repair

It might sound easy enough but choosing a roof tile color can be tough. Not only that, it has a big impact on your home, meaning it’s not a decision to take lightly. At Roof Tile Custom Specialists, our team knows what to consider when determining tile color whether you’re installing new tiles or investing in Contra Costa tile roof repair.

Consider Your Climate

If you live in a sunny or tropical climate, brighter colors are ideal as they retain less heat and keep your AC units from working too hard. Conversely, if you live in a cold climate, dark colors are best as they radiate heat into your home and keep it warmer.

Architecture and Color Coordination

A great way to add depth to your home and increase its appeal is by choosing a color that compliments your home. For example, bright colors are best paired with gray, black, and brown tiles. Architecture is also important – if your home is Plantation, Mediterranean, or Victorian, you should choose colors that blend in with its existing aesthetic.

Get Some Input

If you’re unsure, talk to your neighbors! Take a look at the trends you see in the surrounding neighborhood and make sure your roof color doesn’t clash with your them. Also, take note of natural surroundings and take seasonal colors into consideration.

Choose Our Tile Roof Repair in Contra Costa

Our team at Roof Tile Custom Specialists understands the importance of tile color and can help you determine the appropriate Contra Costa tile roof repair for you. Whether you have questions about tile selection or want to book an appointment, our team is ready to help. Contact us today for more information.